"To take natures perfect water and present it
to the customer in it's most natural form".
Our dedication to bringing you the highest quality product is summed up in the mission statement of Tasmanian Mountain Waters Pty Ltd: "To take natures perfect water and present it to the customer in it's most natural form".
The winds which reach our shores are the famed Roaring Forties, blowing uninterrupted more than half way around the globe, from the Andes to Tasmania.
Their gift to us is the best rainwater in the world, distilled by the sun above the great Southern Ocean, far from land.
Coaxed from the clouds by the crags of our Great Western Tiers, this wonderful rain falls on our mountain fastness and becomes true wilderness water, re-emerging eventually in a natural spring at the foot of the Tiers.
Tasmanian Mountain Waters ® Natural Spring Water is a well-balanced source of natural Calcium, Magnesium, Phosphorus and other essential minerals with the best possible pH 7.6-7.8 levels.
Our Spring Water is available in 5 litre and 10 litre casks. These 'bag-in-box' products are suitable for long term storage and have a 5 year shelf life. They are also convenient for bench-top dispensing when used in the kitchen.
The 10 litre cask is a 'bag-in-box' product suitable for long term storage and has a 2 year best before. It is also convenient for bench-top dispensing when used in the kitchen.
The 5 litre cask is a 'bag-in-box' product suitable for long term storage and has a 2 year best before. It is also convenient for bench-top dispensing when used in the kitchen.
Tasmanian Mountain Waters ® Natural Spring Water is a well-balanced source of natural Calcium, Magnesium, Phosphorus and other essential minerals.
Tasmanian Mountain Waters ® Natural Spring Water is a well balanced source of natural calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, and other essential minerals.
Starting with an extremely pure source, the water is filtered through two stages of micro filtration using state-of-the-art micro filtration technology and then sterilised using the ozone sterilisation method. It is then filled into sterile metalised polyester laminate bags in 'clean room' conditions and boxed for shipment. The resulting product is pure, clean, natural, mineral water.
Phone: +61 427 048 398
2 Massy Greene Drive,
Tasmania, Australia 7320
© Tasmanian Mountain Waters 2015